The Jungle Book (Olson)
The Jungle Book transports audiences to mystical India and the tale of the young “man-cub,” Mowgli, a boy raised by animals who inhabits this mysterious jungle. Befriended by some animals and pursued by others, Mowgli is eventually forced to choose between the animal kingdom and the more “civilized” human world. Presented as a play-within-a-play, The Jungle Book uses masks, dance, mime to create this amazing and wonderful adventure.
Rudyard Kipling, author
Thomas W. Olson, playwright
Roberta Carlson, composer
47 pgs. 5 female, 11 male
Originally produced in CTC’s 1991-1992 season
Run Time: 90 minutes
Audience Recommendation: 6+
Click »here for a PDF excerpt. (Adobe Acrobat is required)