Mwindo is an epic Central African tale passed on for centuries featuring heroic beings and fantastical creatures. Mwindo, born as a full-sized boy, is an unwitting threat to his father, a Chief whose heart is corrupted with greed and hatred for the son who will grow to take his place. Mwindo journeys on a quest to battle enemies and overcome obstacles, to triumph and forgive, to bring his people compassion and the richness of joy. With plenty of action and adventure, music and dance, Mwindo teaches us what it’s like to search for and find one’s warrior spirit.
Cheryl L. West, playwright
Originally produced in Seattle Children's Theatre’s 2014-15 season
Run Time: 75 minutes
Audience Recommendation: 9+
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“Truly a play for the whole family, Mwindo is a beautifully written coming-of-age story that teaches the audience not to be afraid of being afraid.” –TeenTix
“We are reminded that people everywhere have the same choices in how to respond to hurt and rejection. And even if we are not magical children, born of Kahindo, Goddess of Good Fortune, we can still choose love over hate, forgiveness over revenge.” – Seattle’s Child
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