
Get to know Michi Barall!

Get to know Michi Barall!

Experience the energy of a graphic novelist’s imagination at work! The first play of the Generation Now partnership is now available for licensing with Plays for New Audiences! To celebrate, we talked with Michi Barall, Drawing Lessons Playwright, and asked some questions about her life, her career and inspirations, and what she hopes audiences will experience during the show!  Michi Barall is a New York City-based actor, playwright, and academic. As an actor Michi has worked extensively in theatres in New York and across the country. She has taught at Columbia, NYU, and MIT and is currently on the faculty...

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Introducing Playwright and Composer, Craig Holland!

Introducing Playwright and Composer, Craig Holland!

Meet Craig Holland! Craig is a screenwriter, playwright, composer and lyricist who writes for family audiences. Two of his new musicals, Pirates vs Leprechauns and Birdbrain are now available for licensing with Plays for New Audiences. To celebrate, we sat down with Craig to hear more about the inspiration behind these works.      What inspired you to become a writer and composer?  I have an eclectic taste in music. When I was a kid, I loved the Pink Panther cartoons because of the music written by Henry Mancini. I learned to play the Theme from Pink Panther on the...

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Get to Know the Creators of Milo Imagines the World

Get to Know the Creators of Milo Imagines the World

"What I enjoy most about writing together is our abilities to listen and transform our thoughts and ideas into a fully realized book, lyrics, and music." ~ Christian Albright 

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Meet J.S. Puller and Five New Plays for Your Stage!

Meet J.S. Puller and Five New Plays for Your Stage!

Stanislavski got one thing right when, in a possibly apocryphal anecdote, he commented to one of his actors, “We act for children the same way we act for adults—only better.” So this is the part where I say it loud and I say it proud: I am a practitioner of children’s theatre. I believe that children deserve the best of the best, in order to benefit. And I have the audacity to rewrite Stanislovski, making it “We write for children the same way we write for adults—only better.”

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