Tremendously Tall Tales
Tremendously Tall Tales is a collection of four beloved American folk tales: Paul Bunyan the Lumberjack, Mike Fink the River Roarer, John Henry the Railroad Man, and Johnny Appleseed the Planter of Orchards. The frame of Tales is a story of a rag tag theater troupe crisscrossing the Midwest at the beginning of the century, called Eddie B. Brown’s All-Star Yokels. Tales is full of pratfalls, sight gags and hat-tricks in the hilarious physical style of vaudeville.
Patty Lynch, playwright
Victor Zupanc, composer
65 pgs. 5 Actors
Originally produced in CTC’s 1998-99 season
Run Time: 90 minutes
Audience Recommendation: All Ages
Click HERE to request a performance license.
Patty Lynch, playwright
Victor Zupanc, composer
65 pgs. 5 Actors
Originally produced in CTC’s 1998-99 season
Run Time: 90 minutes
Audience Recommendation: All Ages
Click HERE to request a performance license.
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