Sxip Shirey
Play in the PNA Catalogue
> Tale of a West Texas Marsupial Girl

Sxip Shirey is a real live circus composer and has appeared at the New Victory Theater in New York City with Anti-Gravity, toured the United States with The Bindlestiff Family Cirkus and has played The Kennedy Center and the Sydney Opera House with The Daredevil Opera Company. His gypsy-tango-klezmer-punk outfit The Luminescent Orchestrii will be appearing at The Speigeltent at the Edinburgh Fringe for the third year in a row this summer and is a feature in the international party scene in New York City. Sxip has just finished a US tour opening for the Dresden Dolls, hosting the show and performing his solo music for re-imagined instruments. Currently he is finishing music for a\n documentary on Brooklyn by Serbian film directory Vladan Nikolic.