Craig Holland

Plays in the PNA Catalogue

> Birdbrain
> Pirates vs. Leprechauns


Craig Holland writes family friendly musical comedies. He has had several plays produced in Orange County theatres, including Pirates vs. Leprechauns (December 2023) and Birdbrain (August 2024) both Theatre for Young Audiences productions. 

Craig is a screenwriter, playwright, composer and lyricist. His short films have won awards in festivals, and his plays have been performed in theatres across the country. In 2023, his work Pirates vs. Leprechauns was nominated for Outstanding Original Work in the Orange County Theatre Guild Awards. 

One of the recurring themes you’ll see in Craig’s work is mystery. That’s because his favorite genre of entertainment is mystery. Mystery books, mystery movies, and mystery TV. He’s also involved in the video game business, having designed several mystery and adventure video games such as the Unsolved Mystery Club and Mystery Masterpiece series. In addition, he designed the sound and composed music for those games. 

Another recurring theme in Craig’s work is animals. As a young boy, Craig raised mallard ducks and homing pigeons, among other animals they had in their large yard. He’s always loved the outdoors. Today, he enjoys going on hiking trips with his wife to faraway places like Cornwall or the Lake District in England.