Kevin Dyer
Play(s) in the PNA Catalog
> Angel
> Baghdad Zoo
> Little Red and the Big Bad Wolf
> Minotaur
> The Monster Under the Bed
> Ruby
> Rumplestiltskin
> Tiny Treasures

Kevin became a writer at the age of nine and a half when his teacher, Mister Fox, typed up a story he had written. The fact that one month later the nice Mr. Fox ran him over in his car (true!) did not deter him. He is now a playwright with over 50 commissioned plays behind him.
Kevin recently won the Writers’ Guild of Great Britain Best Play Award for The Syrian Baker. He also won the Guild’s Best Play for Young Audiences with The Monster Under the Bed. It was also shortlisted for the Brian Way Award and the John Whiting Award. The Monster Under the Bed was presented at the Kennedy Center for the Arts New Visions/New Voices festival. ASSITEJ has awarded him their Most Inspirational International Playwright Award.
His plays include Baghdad Zoo (York Theatre Royal), The Bridge (Dundee Rep), Giving it Back (BBC Radio Four), Beauty and the Beast, Jason and the Argonauts, Merlin, The Hobbit and The Adventures of King Arthur (Dukes Lancaster), Night Train, Generations, A Million Shades of Pink, and 12 Miles from Nowhere (Action Transport Theatre). Kevin is a published, prize-winning poet, a leader of creative-writing sessions, an actor, a theatre director, and Associate Writer for Theatre Porto and Lead Artist for Storm in the North. He was short-listed for the prestigious Brian Way Award for his radical reworking of Coleridge's The Rime of The Ancient Mariner (Sixth Sense). Angel, a play about a young girl and on older woman with dementia, was originally produced at Theatre Hullabaloo, was also shortlisted for the Writer's Guild Award for Best Play for Children and Young people.