Everyone Knows What a Dragon Looks Like
Outside the gates of the ancient Chinese city of Wu, young Han, an orphan, and his pet pig Ping, keep the entrance swept and tidy. Han spends his time using his trusty broom to practice his fierce soldiering skills so he can help protect the city one day. A Hermit who lives nearby is disturbed by Han’s boisterous games. Han politely ignores her and continues his “training,” until a Merchant comes to the gate. The wily trader tricks Han into giving up all he has, even his beloved Ping, in exchange for worthless, old goods. Luckily, a Servant from the ruling Mandarin’s kitchen comes to bring Han his meal for the day and gets all of Hans things returned to the boy by outwitting the slick trader at his own game.
Bret Fetzer, playwright
Originally produced in Seattle Children's Theatre's 2006-07 season
Run Time: 64 minutes
Audience Recommendation: 4+
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“Seattle playwright Bret Fetzer succeeded in expanding Jay Williams’ fairy tale into an engaging script, lacing it with liberal amounts of humor and beefing up the characters.” – Seattle Daily Herald
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