Sowing the Wind
A Rural Health and Safety Intervention Theatre Project
by Barry Kornhauser
Farming is more than a job; it is a way of life, and one that poses terrible risks, particularly to children living and working on family farms. Sowing The Wind is an interactive rural health and safety intervention theatre piece devised to help young people develop a better understanding of the circumstances that contribute to hazard potentials on farms, to encourage them to make safe and healthful decisions, and to help remind their parents of their responsibilities to their children.
“Outstanding! As you could undoubtedly tell, Sowing The Wind was very well received [at the American Farm Bureau's 90th Annual National Conference]. Now we need to brainstorm ideas on how we can make use of this excellent program in all our states.” ~ American Farm Bureau Federation
"The scenes in the show occur daily on farmsteads across the nation. Whether a young child or a family elder, all will relate to the core themes. The audience interaction engages participants in an appropriate setting without embarrassment. Even the most shy will feel comfortable. This one-hour program could prevent farm-based tragedies… it could save a life. …After participating in this moving production, perhaps, you like me will slow down, pay closer attention, and count your blessings.” ~ Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture
"Spot-on depictions of typical farm family interactions... Creatively written scenes accurately illustrated common stresses experienced by farmers and ranchers as they strive to remain productive, as well as the poor decision-making that sometimes results and can lead to accidents, often with tragic outcomes involving children." ~ The Voice of Agriculture
Pages: 36 pg
Casting Breakdown: 4 Roles
Estimated Run Time: 45-60 minutes
Audience Recommendation: Ages 6+