Nashville Children’s Theatre is home to one of the leading theatre for the very young programs in the country. Why do you find this work important for your community?
This work has become so vital to our programming. In addition to being an early introduction to the arts and a first theatre experience for the very young, this programming is some of the most multigenerational that we offer. So many times there will be up to 3,4,5 adults with a child to share their first play. It’s an experience for moms, dads, older siblings, aunts, uncles, and grandparents as well. It truly becomes a family affair. Creating those memories is something that is very special and we feel honored to help create.
When you are developing a new piece for early childhood, what aspects do you look for in a story?
When developing a piece I look for action. How can the audience help solve a problem and how many times can they be involved.
What advice do you have for theatres wanting to implement early childhood programs in their own communities?
Just do it! Families are looking for ways to spend time together and create lasting memories. It’s some of the most rewarding programming you’ll offer!