Stacey Weingarten
Play in the PNA Catalogue

STACEY WEINGARTEN is an Emmy-winning multi-hypenate specializing in writing, directing, and producing musical- and puppet- infused works, especially for kids/families (but not always!). She’s worked everywhere from “Sesame Street” to “Avenue Q” with everyone from Kermit the Frog to Julie Andrews, and develops projects that promote social awareness through entertainment through Chinese Mother Jewish Daughter LLC. Stacey has been represented Off-Broadway by “Rescue Rue”, a musical fairytale inspired by her rescue dog, and at Hollywood Fringe with the award-winning sequel “Runaway Rue”. Stacey served as Episodic Director and Supervising Producer for “Reading Buddies” (WCNY/PBS), as a Puppet Consultant on “Blippi’s Treehouse” (Amazon), and Co-Creator/Writer of “Monica’s Mixing Bowl” (Independent). A trained puppeteer, builder, and wrangler, Stacey has worked with the Jim Henson Company as a wrangler for “Sesame Street” (Sesame Workshop), and was ‘with the band’ as a wrangler for “Muppets Mayhem” (Disney+). She’s also had the honor of co-creating/directing the short film “Cone of Shame” for Heather Henson’s Handmade Puppet Dreams. Other favorite (non-TYA) musical projects include the time-travelinʼ sci-fi rock opera “Ludo's Broken Bride”; the chanson-infused French-Algerian Hunchback-of-Notre-Dame update “5th Republic”; and the 1890s gender-affirming Storyville tale “Madame”. A former Dramatists Guild Fellow, Stacey teaches puppetry at Pace, serves as the Children’s Media Association's LA Chapter President, and is mom to the real-life Rescue Rue, her doggy-brother Jack, and human-brother Emmett. For more, please visit and follow her @sayetc.